
DRC visits PSI

A team of delegates of DRC, Development Research Center of the state council of the people’s republic of China, has visited and held bilateral discussions with Policy Studies Institute (PSI) on October 30, 2019. The team which consists of 6 members was welcomed by H.E. Ato Alebel Dessie, Vice Director General of PSI. The discussion was held in a meeting hall of the Director General office of the institute.

In his welcoming address to the team of delegates, Ato Alebel has introduced Ethiopia as the land of human origin, cradle of history and civilization. As a part of introduction to the discussion, Ato Alebel briefed the team on historical background of PSI, its purpose, mission and functions; organizational structures of the institute, clusters and centers of the institute as well as the research agendas that the institute is focusing on. 

On the part of DRC, Mr. Tao Pingshen, Director General of the center, expressed his appreciation of Ethiopia’s long history of civilization and independence. Mr Tao stated the mission and objectives of his center that DRC is a policy research and consultancy institute established to support the central government of China in the matters of policy and development issues. According to Mr. Tao, the main task and objectives of DRC is cooperating with global policy think tanks (such as FDRE Policy Studies Institute) to undertake a joint research project on development issues, especially on One Belt, One Road (OBOR) Initiative.  

Ato Alebel has expressed the interest, willingness and happiness of PSI to be a member of the OBOR international network to conduct a joint research project on the initiatives. 

The discussion was enriched by views and questions from PSI research staff members on challenges, threats and opportunities (benefits) related to OBOR initiatives, capacity building and governance issues of the policy research. Mr. Tao responded to all questions and concluded the session by inviting PSI research and management members to visit his center, DRC.

Finally, Ato Alebel concluded the meeting session by giving direction for the next action. Accordingly, Ato Yilikal Tariku was assigned as a responsible body to facilitate the process for the next action of the application for the membership for DRC global research network. 


Delegates of DRC with some of PSI leadership and research staff, PSI, Addis Ababa.


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